What to do with Shoulder Pain?

There are many causes of shoulder pain and one is soreness of the tendon, which is the cord that attaches the muscle to the rotator cuff (the part of the shoulder that facilitates circular motion). Another is soreness of the subacromial bursa (the sac of fluid located under the highest part of the shoulder). Soreness can be experienced after strenuous activities such as lifting, playing sports, painting, and other activities that require shoulder and arm movement. Shoulder pain can also be caused by an injury.

The arm bone and the shoulder blade is what forms the main joint in the shoulder. The joint socket is shallow to allow a wide range of motion. The rotator cuff is composed of 4 muscles which surrounds the arm bone. This is what holds the shoulder steady as the arm moves. The tendon in the shoulder, which is the acromion, is the most often injured part. This is because its position sits between the bones. Once the tendon is hurt and is inflamed, it becomes sore and this is why shoulder pain is felt.

Once the rotator cuff is injured or is hurt, pain is usually felt in the front or the outside of the shoulder. The pain can worsen as the arm is raised or lifted. Shoulder pain can be debilitating to the point that you cannot do even the simplest task. You can also experience pain at night that can be bad enough to wake you,

So what can you do to relieve shoulder pain?

Treatment must be done to relieve shoulder pain and restore it to its normal function. Active rest is among common shoulder pain relief strategies. This doesn’t mean that you must not move your shoulder, but you shouldn’t do strenuous shoulder activities like lifting or playing sports. Another common pain relief is applying ice to the affected area, taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medicines and occasionally, anti-inflammatory steroid injection can also help.

Shoulder exercises are also an option to restore proper functions of the shoulder. The most basic rehabilitation therapy is simple range-of-motion exercises. By simply bending and rotating your shoulder in circles, you can prevent serious complications of rotator cuff injury, which is commonly called as ‘frozen shoulder’. This range-of-motion exercise is usually accompanied by resistance exercises which allow you to use rubber tubing or lightweight dumbbells. The final exercise is resistance training with weight machines or free weights. These exercises greatly help in restoring your shoulder’s function as well as getting rid of shoulder pain.

What can you do to relieve shoulder pain?

 Treatment must be done to relieve shoulder pain and restore it to its normal function. Active rest is among common shoulder pain relief strategies. This doesn’t mean that you must not move your shoulder, but you shouldn’t do strenuous shoulder activities like lifting or playing sports. Another common pain relief is applying ice to the affected area, taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medicines and occasionally, anti-inflammatory steroid injection can also help.

Shoulder exercises are also an option to restore proper functions of the shoulder. The most basic rehabilitation therapy is simple range-of-motion exercises. By simply bending and rotating your shoulder in circles, you can prevent serious complications of rotator cuff injury, which is commonly called as ‘frozen shoulder’. This range-of-motion exercise is usually accompanied by resistance exercises which allow you to use rubber tubing or lightweight dumbbells. The final exercise is resistance training with weight machines or free weights. These exercises greatly help in restoring your shoulder’s function as well as getting rid of shoulder pain.

Because shoulder pain is so common, there are lots of exercises introduced to prevent pain and maintain healthy shoulders. People suffering from this condition are increasing in number and the causes vary. Some get shoulder pain due to strenuous activities, poor posture, bad sleeping position, sports, or a fall or accident while others get it from old age and other health problems like arthritis.

The good news is, there are lots of self-help treatments for lower shoulder pain. The treatments are easily accessible and you can even get solutions instantaneously through the internet. Yes, you can find bunch of information on shoulder pain treatment. While you can always consult your doctor for accurate diagnosis on your pain, it is also wise that you yourself know how to manage shoulder pain thru proper information. This will help you deal with the pain and prevent further complications.

The Causes of Shoulder Pain

Majority of shoulder problems are localized and short-lived. Sometimes, pain is part of a general condition such as heumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis or polymyalgia rheumatic. Commonly, rheumatoid arthritis affects the shoulders. While osteoarthritis can affect the shoulders, sometimes, it can follow on from previous shoulder injuries.

There are various possible causes of shoulder pain and one is inflammation or damage of the  muscles and tendons around the shoulders. Second is inflammation of the soft tissue sac or bursa which helps muscles and tendons to slide smoothly over the shoulder bones. And third is damage of the bones and cartilages in the shoulders which often result to arthritis.

In general, shoulder pain is not always caused by a problem in the shoulder joint. It can also be caused by problems in the neck like when pain is felt over the shoulder blade or in the upper outer arm. When shoulder pain is accompanied by a tingling sensation on the said areas, most likely it is caused by a problem in the neck.

There are several conditions that affect the shoulder and this includes:

Acute calcific tendinitis – This is an inflammation caused by calcium deposits in the tendons.  There is no known reason why calcium builds up in the tendons for some people. The condition usually does not show any symptoms but sometimes, it can cause intense pain and limited shoulder movement.

Bicipital tendinits – This causes pain when the arm is brought forward or by simply flexing the elbow. There is tenderness in the tendon which lies in front of the shoulder joint. Rarely, the bicep tendons may rupture which then result to bruising above the elbow, causing the bicep muscle to bunch.

Brachial neuritis – This is severe pain over the shoulder area resulting to sudden reduction in shoulder movement and wasting of the shoulder muscles.

Frozen shoulder – Also called as adhesive capsulitis, the joint capsule tightens, limiting shoulder movement. There is no known reason why this occurs but usually it follows previous injury and heart attack or stroke.

Painful syndrome – Pain is felt in the arms when lifted. This is usually caused by inflamed tendons and or the bursa. This happens when there is no enough space below the acromion for the tendons to move freely.

Rotator cuff tear – This is the most common condition in people over 40 years of age. While the tern itself described an injury, but people suffering from it don’t remember hurting themselves beforehand. Usually, the sufferer may suddenly discover that he cannot raise his arm properly. This condition is not always painful but some may experience pain for a few weeks.

How to Relieve Shoulder Pain

Shoulder pain is a common health problem. It can happen to everyone during their lifetime. Though it can hit people in all walks of life, but it is often common in seniors because of aging. Aged people are more prone to shoulder painbecause of the deterioration of their joints and other health conditions. 

The complex structure of the shoulder and its natural function, which is constant movement, makes it extremely susceptible to strains, sprains, and inflammation of the tendons, muscles, ligaments, and other parts. Proper diagnosis on where the pain stems up is a must to determine proper treatment.

Pain under the shoulder blade does not necessarily mean that something is wrong with the shoulder itself but it may also signal pain from one of the body’s organs. This pain can give a clue on which of the organs are affected causing the pain in the shoulder. Pain under the left shoulder blade may signal that there is something wrong with the stomach or chest. Pain under the right shoulder may mean that there is problem with the gall bladder (inflammation or gall stones) or it may signal a liver disease. 

Pain caused by physically demanding sports or accidents like minor slips and fall should be immediately attended to prevent severe pain. Put some icepacks on affected area. A better way to apply cold is an ‘ice massage’. This should be done 2 to 3 times daily for 20 minutes during the 48 hours. The use of a massager is also very beneficial. This hastens recovery. Another good pain treatment is first applying the cold and then heat as a combination therapy.

The treatment for shoulder pain varies and greatly depends on the cause. Mild pains are easy to manage but complicated conditions like shoulder pain from injury or disease must be quickly addressed to a physician to get ashoulder pain fixed.